Carpet Pad Under Lvp at Hotel Hallway Was Easy on Feet After Travel.

Last Updated on June 5, 2021 by

I'm still working on the guest bedroom closets, but when my mind wanders, do you know what I think about? Obsess about? Get the most excited about? You might think it's the master bathroom, since demo day is tomorrow. But nope. It's our future home gym.

And y'all, evidently Instagram can read my thoughts, because every time I get on Instagram lately, I'm bombarded by ads for exercise equipment. And I'm pretty sure these are things I can't live without! 😀 I NEED these in our home gym.

I mean, who doesn't need the Feetup Trainer. 😀

home gym equipment - feetup inversion yoga trainer

Never mind the fact that I haven't done any kind of inversion anything since high school. I want this. I need this! 😀

And then there's the Bootysprout. I mean, I'd buy it for the name alone! Well done, marketing team!

home gym equipment - bootysprout

And finally, there's The DB Method. If I do this 15 minutes a day for 30 days, I'll look like her, right? I'm pretty sure that's how it works.

home gym equipment - the db method

There's another exercise machine that they've been showing me lately, and I'm sure I need that one also. Sadly, I can't remember the name, but I'm sure I'll see it as soon as I start scrolling Instagram! And now that I've shown these to you (and especially if you clicked on the links to see any of them), I'm sure Instagram and Facebook will start bombarding you with these ads as well. You're welcome . 😀

Anyway, all of that to say that I think about and dream about our home gym way more than seems normal, especially for a person who has made it a goal in life to find every excuse NOT to work out.

I want the gym to be colorful and fun, and I have a plan for it, but I'm going to save that for now and share the details as I get closer to working on that room. But overall, the design will be determined by what flooring I have in there.

My plan of action right now is to finish some projects in the guest bedroom (building the closets and installing trim), and then after all of the work with power tools is finished in there, I'll install the missing flooring in the hallway and the closet area of the home gym. Then I'll refinish the flooring in the guest bedroom, hallway and home gym all at the same time. Once the floor is done, I can continue on with the guest bedroom until it's finished.

But as I've been looking at pictures of home gyms, it seems that the majority of them have hardwood flooring with mats under the equipment.

I don't really understand why those are placed under some but not others. What's the purpose? To protect the floors? Keep the equipment from moving on the floor? The only (relatively) big exercise equipment that we'll have is a treadmill and exercise bike. If I just stick with the hardwood floor in there, I don't know that those two items will need rubber mats under them.

But wouldn't a home gym need a softer flooring in general? That brings me to the second most common flooring I've seen in pictures of home gyms, which seems to be rubber flooring…

This rubber flooring seems to come mostly in really dark colors. I like the look of it, but doesn't that seem like a nightmare to keep clean? If any of you have experience with this type of flooring, I'd love to hear about it. Is it as high maintenance as I imagine it would be? I'm pretty sure that this is the most common flooring used in commercial gyms, though. So it must be easier maintenance than I imagine it is.

What I'd really like to use is carpet squares. They're thin enough that Matt's wheelchair would roll easily over them, and it seems like they're easy to replace if one of them gets damaged. They seem like a perfect solution for a home gym, so I was surprised that I didn't find more examples of carpet tiles being used this way. I did find a few, though.

I'm pretty sure that could go right over the hardwood floor without damaging it, although I'd probably have to wait at last 30 days to install it over the refinished floor. It would be soft under foot, without being too thick to cause problems for Matt. It can be vacuumed. And since it comes in hundreds of colors and patterns, I could find something that wouldn't show every speck of dust like a dark rubber floor would.

Doesn't that seem like a great option for a home gym? But I feel like I must be missing something, because if it's as good an option as I think it is, then why don't more people use it in their home gyms?

Anyway, if any of you have used carpet tiles in your home (home gym or anywhere else), I'd love to know what you think of them in general. Are they pretty durable? Did they cause any damage to your floor underneath? Are they easy to vacuum? Unless there's a problem with them that I'm overlooking, I'm pretty sure this is the direction I'll go with our home gym. With all of the colors available, I can come up with something really colorful and fun!


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